Berbice teen drowns in creek


See full statement from the Guyana Police Force:

Police are investigating the death of Navin Ramnaught, a 19-year-old Labourer of #1 Village, Berbice, which occurred between 16:30 and 17:30hrs yesterday (Sunday).

Enquiries revealed that Ramnaught left home with two of his friends, ages 17 and 39, and used public transportation to visit Splashmin Resort.

On arrival at the resort, Ramnaught proceeded to swim. His friends last saw him jumping off the bridge’s railway into the water. Shortly after, he was observed struggling to stay afloat. His friends raised an alarm, and public-spirited citizens dragged him out of the water. Navin Ramnaught was unresponsive.

Several attempts were made to resuscitate him using CPR, but he remained unresponsive. Navin Ramnaught was placed into a vehicle and escorted to the Diamond Diagnostic Center for urgent medical attention.

Upon arrival at the Diagnostics Center, he was taken into the emergency room, where he was pronounced dead on arrival by Dr. Vandenberg.

The body was examined, and no mark of violence was seen. A post-mortem examination is to be conducted on the body.
