Berbice engineer now remanded on murder charge

Neil Madramootoo during his first court appearance

Twenty-nine-year-old Neil Madramootoo of Shoe Lane, New Amsterdam, Berbice has been remanded to prison for the murder of his fiancée, 32-year-old Ashmin Mahadeo of Williamsburg, Corentyne.

Madramootoo appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court where the new charge was read to him.

Madramootoo, an engineer, was remanded to prison until November 22. He was represented by Attorney Nigel Hughes.

The man was previously charged with the attempted murder of the woman and was released on $500,000 bail. 

However, after the woman succumbed to her injuries, Madramootoo surrendered to the police.

Mahadeo took her last breath on Monday evening at the New Amsterdam Hospital after battling for her life for more than a month. She was initially hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital but was transferred to New Amsterdam – a decision her brother, Narish Mahadeo, stated was taken by GPHC.

The brother stated that prior to her demise, “They say that she was stable and she was doing far better.”

Mahadeo was discovered with a gunshot wound to her neck and was rushed to a hospital in Berbice in an unconscious state. Reports are that the bullet entered from the back of the neck and exited through the jaw.

Police were able to gather evidence in relation to an illegal firearm that was found in the house where the shooting incident took place. Ballistics tests were also done while detectives also checked the hands and clothes of the fiancé for gunpowder residue.

At the time of the shooting, the couple was packing items in Madramootoo’s company vehicle to be taken to a location in Port Mourant where the couple’s bridal shower/reception was expected to take place.

The fiancé initially told the woman’s relatives that he did not know what transpired and even suggested that it might have been a robbery.

He had claimed that he did not know where Mahadeo’s cellphone was and that he could not find his.

However, both phones were subsequently discovered in a vehicle which the engineer had access to.
