BAN! – No styrofoam importation from Jan 1, 2016


styrofoamlitter[] – The Government will continue an initiative by its predecessor to ban the importation of styrofoam from January 1, 2016

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency states: “The Department of Natural Resources and the Environment has begun implementing a series of measures to address waste management and to promote the utilisation of biodegradable materials.  The proposed Expanded Polystyrene Ban Regulation is being finalised before the effective date to ensure the ban is legally reinforced.

“Cabinet has already granted approval for the immediate development of a legal framework to implement the ban on the importation and use of polystyrene foam products, as well as a public awareness programme to educate the public on the consequences of its usage and the benefits of the alternatives. This decision follows a series of consultations, which were held previously with industry operators, importers and other key stakeholders. However, more consultative sessions are planned for the duration of the year, before the ban fully takes effect in January. “               

The release added: “It is hoped that this initiative will see a significant reduction in the effects of polystyrene foam products  on solid waste management in Guyana and its negative impact on the environment, while leading to the further development of new enterprises in the alternatives sector. With the ban, Guyana will become one of few countries in the world to ban the product.”

In Guyana, polystyrene foam makes up about 2-5 percent of the waste stream and is most popularly used in the food service industry. The improper disposal of the single use item has been, and remains a threat to human health and the wider environment, incurring clean up and disposal costs amounting to millions of dollars, a cost borne by the tax paying public.



  1. About time, an excellent move to ban styrofoam. If they would eliminate/reduce duty on biodegradable goods‎ like plastic bags it would help the garbage issue, and environment as well. Hopefully there’s some scope for a plastics recycling plant. Raise the penalty for litter bugs to pay for the effort.

  2. BAN! – No styrofoam importation from Jan 1, 2016.
    No doubt about it absolutely no doubt put these said eat and dashers on flight to NY or TO they will know where to find garbage bins.


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