Aubrey Norton returns as PNC Leader; party wants him to be their presidential candidate for 2025 elections


After his two contenders dropped out of the race due to concerns over irregularities in the electoral process, Aubrey Norton secured his bid to return as leader of the Peoples National Congress (PNC).

At the weekend’s PNC Congress, a motion was also passed decreeing that the elected leader be the party’s presidential candidate for the next General and Regional Elections, which are due next year.

Norton’s competitors were PNC’s parliamentarians Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton-Desir, who both suspended their campaigns and withdrew from contesting for the position of leader on the eve of the party’s 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress.

Since Norton was the only person contesting for the position, he won; it is unclear however, how many votes he secured.

Meanwhile, Shurwayne Holder was re-elected Chairman of the Party; Vinceroy Jordan and Elizabeth Williams-Niles were re-elected Vice Chairpersons, and Elson Low was elected Treasurer of the Party.

At the Congress, the PNC discussed their desires of winning at the 2025 polls, admitting the need for the party to build credibility and electability.



