Almost 6000 Guyanese employed in local oil & gas sector – Min. Bharrat

Welding onboard the Liza Destiny floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) – Guyana’s first oil development

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, has revealed that as of today, close to 6000 Guyanese are working in the local oil and gas sector.

The Minister made this revelation during an end of year press conference, during which he said that for this year, there was a 24 per cent increase in Guyanese hires.

According to Bharrat, the almost 6000 Guyanese who have been employed represent almost 70% of the total workforce in the oil and gas sector.

“Now some people may say that this is not enough and we should have more Guyanese working in the sector. And I agree with you. We should have more. But the reality is we need to (continue) to build capacity.”

Further, Minister Bharrat said that the government has been in talks with oil companies to offer scholarships to Guyanese so they can develop their knowledge of the industry.

Another announcement made by the Minister, is that the government will be moving to conduct local content sensitisation workshops around the country.

This is to ensure that more persons are familiar with the opportunities in the sector.
