Amerindian Heritage Month activities 2013 is set to be launched on September 1under the theme “honouring our culture, advancing our future.”
As is customary, on August 31, activities will open with an interfaith service at the Umana Yana. This will be done to ask for blessings of the Supreme being for all the upcoming activities.
From September 2 to 5, the cultural nights and the craft and food exhibition will be hosted at the Amerindian Village in the National exhibition Complex in Sophia.
This year, the village chosen for official heritage celebrations is Karasabai in the South Pakaraimas Region 9 on September 7.
It is said with the panoramic sceneries, mountain ranges and pulsating macushi culture, Karasabai will be worth the visit.
On September 10, there will also be the reflection on the life and work of Stephen Campbell but with an exciting twist.
Another highlight of the month is the Arawak language revival project launch.
This project is aimed at teaching this language to children between the ages of 4 and 10 for 10 consecutive months with the hope of renewing their appreciation for their ancestral language.
An invitattion is extended to all Guyanese to attend the annual heritage dinner on September 15 at 19:00 hours.
This event will be hosted at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre and tickets cost $7,000 each.
The month will close with the Heritage Pageant on September 29 at the National Cultural Centre from 20:00 hours. [Delicia Fletcher]