AG Chambers, RSS to host workshop on strengthening local capacity to tackle finance crimes

Attorney General’s Chambers and Legal Affairs Ministry

The Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairs, on behalf of the Government of Guyana, will be partnering with the Asset Recovery Unit (ARU) of the Regional Security System (RSS) to host a Financial Investigation and Asset Recovery Workshop in Guyana from the 9th to the 13th of October, 2023.

This workshop is aimed at improving the State’s capabilities to tackle financial crimes and Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing (AML/CFT/PF) type offences, including the civil and criminal forfeiture of proceeds of and properties acquired through these crimes.

Several important State institutions and law enforcement agencies will be participating in this engagement. These include the Judiciary and Magistracy, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Bank of Guyana, the Guyana Police Force, Special Organised Crime Unit, Customs Anti Narcotic Unit, Guyana Revenue Authority, among others.

The workshop will focus on the following areas: Digital Evidence, Investigative Orders: Procedural Requirements and Appropriateness, Disclosure Orders: Procedural Considerations, Restraint Orders: Procedural Considerations, Cash seizure, Re-seizure and Detention, Investigative Orders: Application, Evidential Burden and Procedure and Civil Recovery: building a Civil Recovery Case.

This workshop will seek to strategically address some of the identified deficiencies
in Guyana’s legal and AML/CFT/PF architecture and Government is committed to
addressing these deficiencies swiftly.

This is yet but another demonstration of the Government’s commitment to ensure
that the Rule of Law prevails generally, and specifically to combat all forms of
criminal activities, in particular financial and organized crimes.
