− residents call for authorities to take action
Residents of Upper Mazaruni are concerned that if a sunken dredge in the Mazaruni River is not removed it will lead to grave harm for those traversing the river.
The dredge, owned by Crown Mining Supplies at Piremap Falls, sank, resulting in the water rising significantly within the last week.
The residents complained that with the rapidly rising water, boat operators are being forced to navigate their boats over rocks alongside the channel, to get much needed supplies to their workers and children that are stranded in the upper Mazaruni area.
The villagers stated that the situation is a “disaster waiting to happen”, as the water may recede at any time and force these boat operators to take even more chances.

The sunken dredge in the Mazaruni River
They argued that the company is doing nothing to remedy the problem. “There has been no apology, no information, no relief, nothing” one resident complained.
According to a report in today’s Guyana Times, the concerned residents stated that on three separate occasions where dredges of the same size sank at that very falls, the owners, mostly Brazillians, would remove it within three days. The residents contend that this particular company seems to be above the law as there is no urgency on its part to remove this dredge.
They are worried about whether miners, Indigenous people, school children, boat operators, who have all suffered financial losses would be compensated for the great inconvenience.
They also questioned what the relevant authorities were doing to address the matter.