Ninety patients underwent successful hernia surgeries at three public health institutions over the weekend.
This was disclosed by Dr. Navindranauth Rambaran, Head of the General Surgery Department at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)on Sunday, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).
Dr. Rambaran explained that the initiative – ‘Operation Hernia’ – saw 64 surgeries completed at the GPHC, while the New Amsterdam Public Hospital and the Linden Hospital Complex facilitated 20 and six surgeries respectively.
The senior physician disclosed that the two-day project involved a medical staff of eight general surgeons, several consultants and registrars, nurses and an anaesthetist team. He remarked that the exercise was held last June for the first time and this year has also seen satisfying results.
According to Dr. Rambaran, the project represents a significant move for the Public Health Ministry. He explained that while hernia operations are conducted throughout the year, the demand for other larger and critical surgical procedures often see these operations being relegated to a lower priority. The project is a move to concentrate the resources on these cases.
“We know that these Hernias impair the quality of life of these patients, so we do try to get them done and this is one such push to accomplishing this mission,” Dr. Rambaran was quoted by DPI as saying.
As defined, a hernia is the abnormal exit of tissue or an organ, such as the bowel, through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides. Hernias come in several types. Most commonly they involve the abdomen, specifically the groin.
According to Dr. Rambaran, the usual symptom is that of discomfort or pain, especially when participating in strenuous activity. It impairs the ability to work productively.