58 families in Reg. 2 receive steel & cement vouchers

Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal

Another fifty-eight first-time homeowners will now be able to advance the construction of their homes, having received Cement and Steel vouchers to the tune of $225,000.

The vouchers were today handed over during a simple ceremony, which was held at the Regional Housing Office, Anna Regina, Essequibo.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal led the exercise along with Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority, Mr. Sherwyn Greaves.

According to Minister Croal, this initiative alone reflects an investment of just over $14 M into the local economy.

The Minister also spoke of other Government interventions that have significantly improved the lives of persons living in Region 2. Mention was made of the agency’s push to make lands that have been allocated in the past accessible to their owners. In addition to numerous interventions in the housing sector, Minister Croal said emphasis is being placed on strengthening regional services.

Also, at the end of today’s activity, the Minister explained that mechanisms will be put in place to better address issues based on the concerns raised.

He added that the region, like other parts of the country, continues to benefit from the Government’s development agenda.

“We have $2 B invested in the Region’s water supply system, with the Onderneeming Treatment plant this will increase access to treated water along the coast to 90%”.
Meanwhile, similar sentiments were shared by the CEO, who noted that the region has a lot to look forward to.

Moreover, he urged the residents to take full advantage of the services available at the outreach.

Over the next few hours, the Minister and CEO who are ably assisted by senior staff of the service departments of the agency will be addressing concerns related to the housing and water sector.

The event was also attended by Vice Chairman, Mr. Humace Oodit and Prime Ministerial Representative, Mr. Arnold Adams.
