55-Y-O man dies in G/Town accident


A 55-year-old man is now dead following an accident on Friday evening at the intersection of South Road and Oronoque Street in Georgetown.

Dead is Sooklall Pharous, a resident of South Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

The accident occurred at about 18:25h involving motorcar #PJJ 4643, driven by a 36-year-old resident of South Road, Georgetown, and hire car #HD 5268, driven by a 41-year-old resident of Buxton. Pharous was a passenger in the hire car.

Based on police reports, motorcar #PJJ 4643 was proceeding East along South Road at a fast rate, while the hire car proceeded South along the eastern drive lane of Oronoque Street.

At the intersection of South Road and Oronoque Street, the driver of hire car #HD 5268 failed to stop and ensure that it was safe and clear at the stop sign and drove into the path of motorcar #PJJ 4643. The front of motor car #PJJ 4643 collided with the right side of the hire car, and as a result of the collision, the hire car ended up in a trench on the side of the road, where the passenger (Pharous) was thrown out of the car.

Both drivers were taken out of their vehicles by public-spirited citizens and EMTs, placed in an ambulance, and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where they received medical attention.

At about 22:50 hrs last night, the hire car passenger was retrieved from the trench by public-spirited citizens and escorted to GPHC, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The body is currently at the GPHC’s Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Investigations continue.
