3rd victim in fatal Williamsburg smash-up dies

Veeram Seecharran

The third person who was involved in the fatal smash-up at Williamsburg, Corentyne, has succumbed to his injuries.

Dead is 17-year-old Veeram Seecharran of Lot 63 Williamsburg Village. He was the pillion rider on one of the bikes involved in the crash which had occurred on April 19.

That accident has already claimed the lives of Deolall Tulsi, a 21-year-old ranger attached to the Albion Sugar Estate and 22-year-old Rondy Emmanuel, a labourer.

Police had stated that Tulsi was riding motorcycle CM 2969 while Emmanuel was riding motorcycle CM 50, with Seecharran as the pillion rider. They were heading in different directions, and according to eyewitnesses, both bikes were in the process of overtaking vehicles when a head-on collision occurred.


