16-Y-O motorcyclist killed in WCB accident

Dead Jahiem Gangoo

A teenager was killed on Sunday evening after his motorcycle was struck by a motorcar on the Onverwaght Public Road, West Coast Berbice.

Dead is 16-year-old Jahiem Gangoo of Hopetown Village, West Coast Berbice.

The accident occurred at about 19:50h on Sunday.

At the time, Gangoo was driving motorcycle CL 7060 with 14-year-old Elijah Rigby as the pillar rider.

Based on police reports, initial investigations so far revealed that the motorcycle suddenly turned across the road into the path of the motorcar, which caused the left front of the vehicle to collide with the right side of the bike.

As a result of the collision, both the motorcyclist and pillion fell onto the road surface and received injuries.

They were picked up and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital where they were seen and examined by a Doctor who pronounced the driver dead on arrival.

Rigby was treated and sent away.
